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GreenPort Alliance


Kick-off del progetto e conferenza degli stakeholder 

In qualità di coordinatore del progetto GREENPORT Alliances, l'Università Piri Reis ha ospitato i nove partner del progetto provenienti da sette Paesi il 28-29 febbraio 2024. Il meeting di avvio, tenutosi il primo della due giorni, ha riguardato l'intero consorzio e ha discusso il piano di lavoro e la strada da seguire per la durata del progetto.

La conferenza degli stakeholder ha segnato il primo traguardo del progetto e ha visto l'impegno dei principali stakeholder del settore marittimo e delle istituzioni educative. Durante la conferenza, ogni partner del progetto ha presentato i propri ruoli e responsabilità all'interno del progetto e gli impegni che saranno assunti nel corso dei 36 mesi del progetto. Rappresentanti del settore marittimo turco come Sanmar Shipyards, l'Associazione dei costruttori navali turchi (GISBIR), Yanmar Holding, Sakura Marine, Kilyos Shipping, Kamer Marine, GDS Engineering, CSS Turkey, NAVTEK, Gübretaş Port, GISAŞ Port e l'Associazione turca dei piloti hanno partecipato attivamente alla conferenza. Sono state condivise le strategie innovative per ridurre le emissioni di carbonio nel settore attraverso presentazioni tenute dai rappresentanti di Turkon Line e GISAŞ.

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

1 giorno 2 ore fa

We're proud to announce that the GREENPORT Alliances project will be part of the European Researchers' Night- the largest science outreach event in Europe!

In 2024 and 2025, 58 projects across 25 countries will participate, with universities and research institutes sharing their work through presentations, experiments, games, discussions, and other interactive activities.

The event is part of Reconnecting Science with the Blue Society - Blue-connect 2.0, funded by the Horizon Europe programme.

Join us on September 27 in Rijeka, where our project will be proudly presented by the Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka team. Don't miss it- come show your support!

#GreenportAlliances #EuropeanResearchersNight #Innovation #Maritime

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

3 giorni 2 ore fa

Exciting News!

We’re thrilled to announce that the Turkish Chamber of Shipping, representing over 11,000 members, has launched its quarterly Sustainability Bulletin. In the inaugural issue, the Greenport Alliances project, led by Piri Reis University, is proudly highlighted among the university’s sustainability-focused EU initiatives.

This feature reflects the growing recognition of projects dedicated to advancing environmental sustainability in the maritime sector.

#Sustainability #GreenportAlliances #MaritimeInnovation #EUProjects

data-videolink= data-storylink=" " data-linktext=" Leggi tutta la storia " data-caption=" <a href="" target="_blank">EMPA - European Maritime Pilots' Association</a> is a proud and enthusiastic member of the Greenport Alliance project. Our profession is dedicated to the safety of navigation, which means guiding ships in and out of ports safely and efficiently. Maritime pilotage is best described as a service in the public interest, not just a commercial service. Of course, reducing emissions is a goal for all, but behaving in an environmentally responsible way is equally as important. The Shannon Estuary is a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EU Habitats directive. It is also one of Ireland’s busiest shipping lanes, so a professional pilotage service is a necessity for keeping the estuary free from pollution by ships as a result of running aground or alliding heavily with port infrastructure. The bottlenose dolphins resident in the Shannon estuary have inhabited the area for hundreds of years. Part of our role is to ensure that the estuary remains free from pollution so that marine life, our dolphins and other wildlife enjoy this habitat for many years to come. Shannon pilots are proud to collaborate with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) to record bottlenose dolphin sightings on the Shannon estuary. We are in the unique position of being on the estuary every day of the year, so it is logical that we can be an invaluable resource to the IWDG. " data-itemnumber=" 3 " class="efbl_feed_popup efbl_popup_video efbl-cff-item_number- 3 ">

Greenport Alliances

1 settimana 5 ore fa

EMPA - European Maritime Pilots' Association is a proud and enthusiastic member of the Greenport Alliance project. Our profession is dedicated to the safety of navigation, which means guiding ships in and out of ports safely and efficiently. Maritime pilotage is best described as a service in the public interest, not just a commercial service. Of course, reducing emissions is a goal for all, but behaving in an environmentally responsible way is equally as important.

The Shannon Estuary is a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EU Habitats directive. It is also one of Ireland’s busiest shipping lanes, so a professional pilotage service is a necessity for keeping the estuary free from pollution by ships as a result of running aground or alliding heavily with port infrastructure. The bottlenose dolphins resident in the Shannon estuary have inhabited the area for hundreds of years. Part of our role is to ensure that the estuary remains free from pollution so that marine life, our dolphins and other wildlife enjoy this habitat for many years to come. Shannon pilots are proud to collaborate with the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) to record bottlenose dolphin sightings on the Shannon estuary. We are in the unique position of being on the estuary every day of the year, so it is logical that we can be an invaluable resource to the IWDG.

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

1 settimana 2 giorni fa

As part of the GREENPORT project, in which the Porto de Aveiro is an active partner, the aim is to develop training content for all port users to raise awareness of more sustainable practices in the handling of port vessels (pilot boats and tugs).

The decarbonisation of these port activities requires the adoption of various measures. In the Port of Aveiro, as part of its energy transition strategy, the use of biofuels in pilot boats is already being tested to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, combining the use of alternative fuels with a more environmentally friendly way of driving these vessels will certainly help to achieve better results in terms of the decarbonisation policy for port activities.

#Greenport #Sustainability #PortServices #Innovation

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

1 settimana 3 giorni fa

Tugboats are indispensable to the efficient operation of European ports, ensuring the smooth handling of approximately 1.6 billion tons of cargo within the E.U. Remarkably, 80-90% of this cargo relies on the support of tugs for safe and effective transport.

Without these essential services, much of Europe's trade would face significant disruption. Tugboats remain a critical component in maintaining the flow of goods and supporting the region's economic stability.

As highlighted by the European Tugowners Association, the role of tugboats in European maritime logistics cannot be underestimated.

#Tugboats #EuropeanPorts #PortServices #GreenportAlliances

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

1 settimana 6 giorni fa

Mark your calendars for the 29th International Maritime Lecturers Association Conference (IMLA29) in Istanbul!

From September 25-28, 2024, the conference will be co-hosted by the Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty (İTÜ MF) and Piri Reis Üniversitesi (PRU), the lead partner of the Greenport Alliances project.

This prestigious event will bring together maritime educators, researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and innovations in maritime education and training.

Participants can look forward to a wide range of sessions, interactive workshops, and panel discussions providing valuable opportunities for professional development, networking, and collaboration.

#IMLA29 #MaritimeEducation #GreenportAlliances #MaritimeInnovation #Networking #ProfessionalDevelopment

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

2 settimane 2 giorni fa

At the Antwerp Maritime Academy, our work within the Greenport Alliances project focuses on enhancing both crew health and environmental sustainability in maritime operations. Our recent research on tugboat wheelhouses reveals that effective ventilation systems play a crucial role in reducing harmful pollutants like NO2 and CO. We discovered that pollution peaks often align with sudden changes in ship activities, highlighting the importance of ventilation management by the crew. By optimizing these systems and practices, we can improve onboard air quality, boost crew well-being, and reduce the ecological footprint of tugboats.

#MaritimeSustainability #CrewHealth #GreenportAlliances

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

3 settimane 2 giorni fa

🌍 Lowering Port Emissions with Shore-to-Ship Power Supply

The reduction of port emissions is a critical step toward achieving environmental sustainability in the maritime industry. We are pleased to highlight a key article written by Capt. Ivan Conev, PhD, of Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy - Bulgarian Maritime University that delves into the implementation of shore-to-ship electric power supply as a transformative solution for reducing emissions in port operations.

This approach not only significantly lowers greenhouse gas emissions but also improves energy efficiency, setting a new standard for ports across Europe.

Read the full article here:

#GreenportAlliances #SustainableMaritime #PortServices #EmissionReduction

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

4 settimane 7 ore fa

Our most recent project management committee meeting was held on the 21st August.

We will soon begin analysing data to develop the Greenport Alliances curriculum!

Our website will also be available in several different languages. Go and take a look on our website for the most recent ones added, and stay tuned for more updates!

#GreenportAlliances #sustainability #blueeconomy #portservices

Greenport Alliances

Greenport Alliances

4 settimane 1 giorno fa

Naples is preparing to host the Naples Shipping Week (NSW) 2024, an event of international significance. This year, MAR.TE will collaborate with the University of Naples Parthenope , reaffirming its commitment to innovation and sustainable development in the maritime sector.

Now in its seventh edition, the Naples Shipping Week is one of the most anticipated events in global maritime logistics. The 2024 edition is set to be the largest ever, with over 8,000 industry professionals, 50 events, and 130+ partners participating. The programme will cover key topics like digitalisation, ecological transition, and maritime safety.

MAR.TE.'s presence will enrich the debate, emphasising Naples' role as a commercial hub and a centre of excellence in the maritime technology research and development.

The event will take place from 30 September to 5 October 2024, in Naples Italy. To learn more visit
